First Blogpost ever

I am so so so excited, that you can see this now!!!
I worked really hard to make this all happen and now it finally is.
It is kind of unreal…
My intention with this blog is to inspire other people to get creative too!
So, I will post about projects I am working on at the moment and other stuff that is important to me currently. I am not sure what exactly I am going to post but I will try different stuff and we will see what is the most fun for me and the best for this website.
I will try to post regularly but I am not sure yet because of school and all the other things I want to do ;-)
If you subscribe to my newsletter, then I can inform you what I am up to at the moment and I will also send some DIY projects for you to try out!
And also check out my instagram where I show current stuff.

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Wie ihr wahrscheinlich schon gesehen habt, habe ich meine Webseite aktualisiert.

International Women's Day 2021
On March 8th it is international Women’s Day. But what is Women’s Day, why do we need a Women’s Day?